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The degree of bankability of any project, solution, technology or supplier will affect the availability and cost of capital. In the face of increasing demand for safe, clean and reliable energy, this aspect becomes more and more important. Today Photovoltaics (PV) technology is not only ecologically, but also economically a sensible alternative for power generation. A large scale PV power plant has to be competitive against conventional energy sources as well as other PV projects. With the elimination of government subsidies for this kind of energy generation in many regions and markets, the focus has now shifted to the overall efficiency of the plant. Neat functioning and maximum yield depend for the most part on bankable project partners and reliable components to be built-in. Stäubli Electrical Connectors can help you improve the profitability and the ROI (return on investment) of your PV project. We are experts in connection solutions (eBoS - electrical Balance of System) that contribute significantly to obtaining a low LCOE (levelized cost of energy), the deciding factor when it comes to the long term profitability of a power plant.