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The videos give an overview of the CombiTac system, its benefits and areas of application. You will also find an explanation on how to use the online configurator from Stäubli in order to quickly and easily build your own customized modular connector.
Allowing for highest versatility and reliability, CombiTac is the perfect choice for modular connectors in numerous demanding applications that require safe and stable connection as well as long-life solutions.
The new CombiTac configurator is available for any device and browser and offers powerful 3D views for quick and easy configuration of customized CombiTac connectors.
Automated testing of control units and electronic devices, thanks to CombiTac the modular connector system for a stable, quick and safe connection.
Our Product Manager describes the modular connector system CombiTac and its characteristics.
CombiTac is used as an interface for safe power and data transfer to electrical operated rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs) or mobile container bridges.
CombiTac used for safe pneumatic, power and data transfer to a robot built for cleaning and inspection of air-conditioning ducting, kitchen or industrial vents.