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Time Optimization = Maximize Profit
Stäubli offers to our costumers the analysis SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die), when is the main goal to reduce the tool changeover time to just a few minutes.
Today's modern times are linked to changing customer demands for making smaller batches of products - this requires more frequent tool change and machine tuning. That's why Stäubli offers its customers SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) analysis, where the primary goal is to shorten the tool changeover time to just a few minutes. That we are really able to shorten the exchange for a few minutes, proves the increasing interest in analyzes.
The most important advantage in using these systems is that the whole process of mold exchange is minimized, saving machines and operators time, which is a major requirement and expectation from this analysis and design solution.
Other, no less important advantages of the Stäubli solution are:
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